Am I Crazy?

No, Absolutely not:

It’s just that I have hopes, Dreams, and aspirations that well–it’s not that you wouldn’t be able to live up to them; it’s just that, you wouldn’t even be able to think of them to say the least.

& I’m not sorry, it’s the truth.

Take care babes.

Remember when you said “Always & Forever?” It’s More like Never Again & Forevermore to come. & that second part is coming from me, you closed that door, and I will never open it again for you.

Eradicating my existence from your life won’t get rid of me: I will continue to exist and live life fully without you because regardless of how abysmal of a picture you paint of me: you were never really that great at painting anyway by the way.

Signed, Yours Truly — A reality you choose to not accept.



You know, I have to say I absolutely love love. One of my favorite quotes is by Alexander The Great, “Through every generation of the human race there has been a constant war, a war with fear. Those who have the courage to conquer it are made free & those who are conquered by it are made to suffer until they have the courage to defeat it, or death takes them”. With that said, it took a while, but I’ve come to learn that love truly has no limitations. The lines of intimacy are sometimes blurred because well intimacy is different for everyone. For me, it’s simple: love doesn’t hurt. For a long time, I felt that love was something I could only achieve with another, that certainly is not the case though. Someone can illuminate the path to love and light for you, but it’s up to you to keep the candle burning.

Needless to say, the purest form of love I’ve ever found was within myself. I asked someone once, “What will make you happy if it’s not me?” Selfish right? I can laugh about it now because I’ve learned from it though. & Well, the journey was only just beginning then.

Her response was this, “Jasmin, something that would make me happy is to see you happy, even if it’s not with me.” Fast forward about 4 years, after much trial & error, countless sleepless nights, and an endless number of existential crises…I’ve come to find more moments of peace within myself and my life. Truth is, I finally found myself. The funny part is that I was never missing to begin with, it’s just that now, I can finally & confidently say that true happiness comes from within.

I guess, all I’m saying is that when someone loves you, their actions speak louder than words. True, unconditional love is eternal: it’s a love that gives you life, sets you free, challenges you, and simultaneously transcends the gaps between space & time in a state of constant equilibrium—because Earth is the place where Heaven & Hell meet, and it’s our time on Earth where we get the opportunity to meet ourselves every time we end up here.


That’s all for today. Happy Monday, here’s a no filter photo of myself from the other day. My skin looks porcelain, I’m literally & figuratively glowing: it’s as if the love is just radiating off of me. I never intended to post this photo; it was just for myself. Sure, it was humid, rainy, and warm outside, but nothing felt warmer than how I felt on the inside.  


A Love That Lasts Forever

The Truth

I just want to cry. I feel like an absolute and total failure. Any attempt at living my life to its fullest extent seems futile. I float seamlessly on pink clouds whose silver linings are mere illusions. I feel numb to all that is around me, I so desperately yearn for some form of feeling. Numbing my pain is the only form of relief I experience: it’s depressing, I’m depressed.

My Heart

I wish I had a few more words

I wish you could hear them

I just…wish it wasn’t like this…

I wish I had a few more words

I wish you could hear them

I just…wish it wasn’t like this

My love,

My sweet sweet love.

So sweet to me.

So sweet.

So so sweet is her serenade.

Holding onto my heart as a pin to a grenade.

Put a stop to this blockade, a halt to the parade.

& take solace in this crusade

For my heart is forever yours and forever


My love,

My sweet sweet love.

So sweet to me.

I wish I had a few more words

I wish you could hear them

I just…wish it wasn’t like this…

So sweet.

So so sweet is the beat.

My heart cannot compete

With you it feels complete

& without you, it is incomplete

& simply a beat that keeps beating

My love,

My sweet sweet love

So sweet to me.

An Open Letter, To the one I loved and lost too soon

Dear Tyler,

My sweet sweet best friend—I love you so much Tyler. I’m still trying to process what I just found out. I don’t even know where to begin, but I do know that you were and still are my best friend. Do you remember high school? Remember how everyone thought that we would make the cutest couple and would be so cute together? It was hysterical and is still a laugh out loud joke between us because post high school we both came out and showed the world that we were gayer than ever and that US dating…was probably the last thing on our minds in high school lmao. Haha, man oh man..we definitely were quite the pair. I remember when I first met you, it was freshmen year, Algebra I, Ms. Westerfield’s class. I turned around and said “Hey do you smoke weed?” & well after you had replied yes, well…that’s when we were off to the races just being delinquent dumb teenagers haha. Although, despite our shenanigans, we were definitely in our prime…I remember running miles and miles down at the track with you. We showed up rain or shine and didn’t care who was watching..some days we had the entire football team practically gawking at us in amazement because of how many laps we were doing haha. Oh and don’t even get me started on our little cooking dates: Alfredo from scratch was our favorite and I made it all the time for us lol. Jeez, and these are only a few of the memories we have!! It only continues from there. I’m smiling as I write this and it’s sweet to know that we’ve made and were able to share so many beautiful, exciting, and sentimental moments together. You were there for me through it all. You were there for me through high school, through my stint in active addiction, my recovery, through the breakups and the makeups, through my sad days and my happy days, and most importantly you were just there for me through it all. Man, life is one hell of a ride and I couldn’t be any more grateful to have had someone as lovely as yourself to have been part of it. This post may seem a bit disorganized but my mind is absolutely scattered right now. Thank you for being such an amazing best friend to me. I hope I did the same for you. I already miss you and I can’t help but cry as I conclude this post..but I love you and always will. I know you’ll always be around in spirit too, so I’ll keep my eyes peeled for any signs you might send my way! Attached to this post is a cute photo you forced us to take together because we didn’t have any photos together. I look petrified but that’s only because I hated taking photos. Thanks for forcing me to take this pic with you, I love it—we look cute. I love you. May your beautiful soul rest in peace.

Jasmin K

Fast Forward 4 years

I wrote this piece while listening to & in relation to the song Isolation by Abbey Glover.

Healing isn’t linear, neither is time though. I think I know why the hairs on Einstein’s head were always sticking up now, he was always thinking: I have a few or more thinking hairs that always seem to be sticking up too, I just don’t ever stop thinking.

There are nights I stay up listening to the same sad playlist seeking the hope of refuge and peace within my own arms.

There are nights I study French.

There are nights I do everything I’ve ever wanted to do.

Then, there are nights I find myself staring at the ceiling imagining that I was staring at the stars.

There are nights I toss and turn and find myself sobbing uncontrollably for hours on end.

Then, I take it from the top: in my head, I’ve already traveled the world, I’ve fallen in and out of love, I’ve experienced life, death, friendship, kinship, I learned every language, and I’ve experienced every life I ever could have imagined for myself.

Sometimes, my imagination gets tired though.

I think I might just be getting a bit tired too though.

Sometimes, I feel as if I’ll lose my mind at this rate.

I’ll go back to the drawing board though, let’s see what we can devise next.

Perhaps Dante & Virgil will have some insight unto this matter.

Then, you remember—you bought a copy of Dante’s Inferno, and the shades of Vermillion Red in your sclera,

Suddenly return to white because when you were smoking a cigarette before you went back inside of Barnes & Noble, someone drives by and yells “faggot” when they could have just kept driving.

& that’s the reality we actually live in.

And, maybe that’s one of the many reasons why it’s so hard to smile sometimes.

I think I’d rather stay enveloped in the warm embrace of my imagination because it seems that even on the warmest of summer days, it feels like I should be wearing a sweater.

It’s okay to not be okay, but sometimes it feels as though all the love I pour into myself is just making up for the cruelty and hatred others bare in their own heart.

& in all honesty, my heart aches.


A Heart that Never Stops Beating, & A Mind that Never Stops Thinking


Written: July 6th, 2023 …this was how I felt in July, the photo of myself is from then too. And somehow it is now suddenly September 18th of 2023..

I’ve lost track of time before, the amount of time tends to vary. Sometimes it’s seconds, minutes, days weeks, months, and even years. I’ll share as much of it as I can remember or recall though…writing seems to help. I’m pre-disposed to Schizophrenia, and I’m at age of onset, and my symptoms have only progressed.

Last year I experienced my first hallucinations, they were auditory, visual, and sensory hallucinations: they were scary. I hold onto the memories of what was once real with dear life, they’re like my silver safe space. & they keep the darkness away-sometimes.

There may very well come a point in time where I won’t be able to decipher what is real and what is not. Until then, I will try my best to share some of the most sane moments of life I’ve experienced, some of the saddest of songs I’ve listened to, and the endless amount of life I’ve experienced in such a short amount of time.

I will share my life with you.

I turned 28 this year in August.., I’m happy to have made it to 28. I hope each day brings you joy and happiness, it’s the best thing we can do for ourselves.

An Empty House

Someone once told me that Love doesn’t hurt.

It’s true, Love doesn’t hurt.

And when it does, that means that love is lacking.

I try my best to be the best version of myself,

I see love, light, and happiness in everyone,

Except for myself.

I try though, and I will always keep trying..

Never Again

Here we go again,

Today we crossed paths at 2pm,

I still remember when we were in love back then,

Because days like today I wish we could just do it all over again.

Your beauty was as radiant as a 6am sun rise,      

I don’t know how I feel, but I certainly want to cry.

I can’t even say I tried.

Because everyday you were probably scared I was guna die,

And if you ask me why?

I’ll tell you the truth because I refuse to lie.

I loved you then, but I can barely remember when.

I remember getting you a few flowers,

and maybe even a rose,

And in that moment was where we both felt time had froze.

Unfortunately, that came to a close.

With nightly 3am shows,

Stuck in the same clothes,

There was no rhetoric, rhythm, or pathetic prose.

Because when push comes to shove isn’t that how it goes?

I wish we could cross paths again,

Because I’m different now than I was then.

Now, I keep seeing you in my mind at 2pm.

Except this time, I’ll never forget when,

Because I miss you more now than I ever did then.

Here we go again,

I’ll never forget how we crossed paths today at 2pm.

Never Again.


It’s something special for sure, and it’s uniquely ours..I can’t fully describe it yet because it’s all just feelings and sensations ..but I don’t know. It’s a lot to take in. It’s all love though. Written below, something I wrote for you. I hope this reaches you in time, I just finished up (5:42am), last song I listened to – Sugar by BrockHampton 


Such uncensored, unconditional, unadulterated, innocent, pure, blissful love. 

Regardless of how you feel, the truth is that I will never stop loving you.

Even if we end up in different places and with different people...I will always love you: I always have, and I always will.

 & I will continue to do so no matter the odds against me. 

I hate to say the most cliche aphorism ever, but I will literally love you until the day I die and beyond that. 

It only grows stronger as more time passes, and I hope you can feel it reverberate throughout every corridor of your mind, body, and spirit on a day-to-day basis.. 

I hope it makes you smile during some of your darkest of days

I hope it makes some of your best days the brightest of days, 

I hope it makes your cold Winter nights just a little bit warmer,

I hope it makes your Spring feel like Summer

I hope it catches you when you Fall

But most importantly I hope it makes you feel, 

As sweet as-

“The way the Sun let’s the moon glimmer at night, and how the moon let’s the sun shine throughout the day” (Unknown Source)

Because even when my breath becomes air, & I won’t be able to be there, you will always get that feeling.. that love is still in the air. 

I love you without limits:

I love you the way Energy can be neither created nor destroyed, it can only be converted from one form to another; it’s existence is infinite.

I love you as infinitely as the flow of energy throughout the Universe,

& as limitless as time is to space. 

& in a world without an end.. I will love you always & forever, & forever in eternity. 

Even Alice once asked, “How long is forever?” 

& The White Rabbit responded to her: 

“Sometimes, just one second.” 🌕🌖🌗🌘🌑🌒🌓🌘

Let Her Go

Ruby Lips Agape,
Shallow breathes
Dilated pupils
Numb lips:
She was slowly losing herself as each second passed.
A toxic tongue,
A near lethal debonair.
If looks could kill,
She’d be the last one alive.
Disheveled & sexy?
Or depressed & deteriorating?
It’s like Russian Roulette,
Two rounds, & six chances.
There’s a one in three chance you’ll die.
Being with her,
I guess it’s kind of like playing Russian roulette.
Except it’s more like five rounds and one chance.
Either you’ll make it out alive,
Or you’ll die.
If not externally,
Inevitably internally—you’ll be far beyond destroyed.
Either way, the damage is already done.
One person suffers regardless.
Whether it’s physically, emotionally, or spiritually,
You’ll be broken regardless afterwards.
Your world won’t be the same ever again,
She’ll leave you with a lasting impression and an unforgettable face.
A love like hers comes around once in a lifetime.
It’s a love that lasts, leaves, & lingers—all at the same time.
You’ll feel it even in its absence.
Those sweet Red Ruby Lips,
Deep breaths,
Sultry eyes,
& Numb lips.
She’s tired:
She’s been looking for love in all of the wrong places.

Peace & Love

Subdued & faded beyond my existential calamity,

Somewhere in between,

You were my muse & I was your moon.

Somewhere in between light & darkness, I found peace.

Pieces that I couldn’t find before I stood with you.

I’m still missing my favorite sense of peace—the piece I found with you.

Somewhere in between,

My muse became my moon, & my sun became somber.

Somewhere in between, I was forever lost in my existential calamity—

Subdued, faded, and restrained far beyond what my mind could truly comprehend,

I was lost in reality and confined to my mind.

That missing piece, it’s a sense of peace I will never find again.